Thursday, September 11, 2008

Zhu Rong (god)

Zhu Rong is the Chinese god of fire and ruler of the southern hemisphere from mythology. He is depicted as a proud man clad in armor wielding a sword and riding on a large tiger. He was one of the gods that helped separate Heaven and Earth and set up Universal Order.

He is most famous for battling his own son Gong Gong, who was a water demon responsible for causing floods. When Zhu Rong heard that his son was attempting to seize the throne of Heaven, he went to stop him. The two of them battled for days across Heaven until both plummeted down to Earth. Finally Gong Gong was defeated and sulked away in shame while Zhu Rong returned to Heaven triumphant, after having won a great battle.

Lady Zhurong from the ''Romance of the Three Kingdoms'' claims to be a descendant of Zhu Rong.

Modern References

*Zhu Rong was included in as a card in the card game by TriKings.

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